Tag: flowers

  • JOIN US And Plant HOPE Around The World

    JOIN US And Plant HOPE Around The World

    Join us for Global Day of Hope by planting sunflowers on Saturday May 2 in support of the 350 million people living with the treatable disease of depression. The sunflower is the international symbol of hope for depression and Global Day for Hope seeks to amplify our mission to shine a positive light on depression and eliminate the stigma associated…

  • Have you ever felt like a non photo-shopped flower? Time to view yourself through a different lens.

    I was taking some photos of flowers this weekend, and I noticed they weren’t perfect.  Flakes of dirt, worn around the edges, some black spots, browning, all kinds of things when you really get up close.  I really didn’t care and was so glad I saw the beauty, not the flaws, and it made me think a…