Who We Are
Hopeful Minds (previously Schools for Hope) is a curriculum targeting 7 to 12 year old youth teach HOPE, and a general curriculum for all ages. It is based on research that Hope is a teachable skill, and it is free and available to all around the world. We believe Hope is a human right.
Why hope matters.
A recent study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health suggests that 1 in 9 children attempt suicide prior to graduating high school with 40% of those in grade school. Hopelessness is a primary symptom of depression and leading predictor of suicide. It is also higher in delinquent behaviors, including weapon carrying at school, violence, and more. You can see the full research around Hope and hopelessness here.
Yet we do know HOPE is a teachable skill. Help us #teachhope by supporting Hopeful Minds, bringing it to your local school, PTA, church, Boys and Girls Clubs, or any other place that might need to learn about hope. We know it is most effective when taught young, so please consider sharing it today, , so youth may become their most vital and hopeful selves.
Engage with us.
Please help us show kids that no matter what life brings, there is always HOPE. Below are some ideas on how to get involved, and feel free to email us at hopefulminds@ifred.org to brainstorm or suggest more:
- Join our advisory board to help expand the program.
- Review our curriculum and provide feedback.
- Find schools to test the program.
- Share stories of hope on our iFred social networks @ifredorg #SpreadHope #teachhope
- Sign up for our e-mail news to get updates on our progress.
- Sponsor the program or donate money to help us expand the initiative.
- Translate the lessons into other languages.
- Create public service announcements.
Thanks so much for your generous support!
How to Obtain the Hopeful Minds Curriculum and Kit
The curriculum lessons and resources are available for free and may be downloaded directly at www.hopefulminds.org. A full curriculum kit is also available by contacting us at hopefulminds@ifred.org.
Each kit contains:
- All twelve lessons printed in color with student worksheets
- Resources including Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Children, Guidelines for Educators, Guidelines for Families, and Who to Call sheets
- Social and Emotional Learning Standards (IL) and Benchmark Information
- Garden for Hope sign, so you can spread Hope in your community. Click here to download your free Gardens for Hope sign.