Rebranding Depression

To support its mission, iFred is creating a shift in society’s negative perception of depression through positive imagery, celebrity engagement, education of brain biology, and ultimately ending stigma through rebranding—establishing the sunflower and color yellow as the international symbol for hope. iFred’s Founder, Kathryn Goetzke, is an experienced marketing and branding professional, and has presented around the world in the field of mental health to encourage nonprofits to focus less on symptoms, and more on solutions.

Why Sunflowers?

We were very deliberate in our choosing of the sunflowers. It all began from a study by the Emotional Impact of Flowers Study conducted by Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Project Director, Human Development Lab at Rutgers. According to her research, regardless of age, flowers have an immediate impact on happiness. Recent studies have suggested flowers help reduce stress, and often increase serotonin and dopamine. As we further researched, we found:

  • The symbolism of the sunflower holds profound meaning. A sunflower seed begins its journey in darkness, mirroring our most hopeless states. It represents our potential for growth and improvement amid despair. Just as a seed cannot flourish alone, we, too, rely on our Hope Network to nurture our hope.
  • The growth of a sunflower echoes our journey toward hope. It stretches roots deep into the ground, akin to our efforts to break free from despair using Stress Skills—meditation, deep breathing, and mindful pauses.
  • As the sunflower emerges into the sunlight, it unfurls leaves to gather sunshine, needing water, nourishment, and care to flourish. Similarly, we cultivate positive feelings through Happiness Habits—long-term, healthy practices fostering more and more hope.
  • Obstacles pepper the sunflower’s path; rocky soil and inadequate resources. Likewise, we face challenges. However, equipped with Stress Skills, Happiness Habits, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, and skills to Eliminate Challenges, we navigate and conquer these hurdles.
  • The sunflower’s purpose transcends its growth; it provides sustenance and joy. Similarly, we share hope with those around us, becoming beacons of optimism and joy.
  • Our choice of the sunflower and its vibrant yellow hue isn’t arbitrary. It symbolizes our commitment to shine a positive light on hope, eradicating mental health stigma through proactive measures in prevention, research, and education. Yellow is the color of happiness and hope.
  • Gardening is also very healthy for the mood, so we encourage community gardens. Eating sunflower seeds can be healthy for the brain, as they are rich in vital nutrients. It is also one of the only flowers that can be planted anywhere in the world, and we believe the ‘how’ to hope must be planted everywhere as well.
  • It is also a method for nonprofits to raise funds for hope. You can sell the seeds, have gardens sponsored, sell products in retail, or create art for auctions. The ideas are endless!

So, in this endeavor, the sunflower becomes more than a symbol—it becomes the embodiment of hope, illuminating pathways toward a brighter future for cities and individuals alike. 

Share the Message of Hope!

Help us get the word out about depression.  Plant a sunflower in with our Gardens for Hope, download and share our Teen Shine Hope or General Shine Hope brochure, put up a sign in your local coffee shop about Hope, or teach Hope to youth in your community.