Category: Youth

  • Choose Hope This School Year

    Choose Hope This School Year

    Disclaimer: Content is created by iFred’s team of editors. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission. It has been a tough couple of years for our youth. Between the global pandemic, civil unrest, and world events outside of their control, our children are experiencing hopelessness at unprecedented rates, with…

  • Oscars Incident Prompts #90SecondChallenge for #Hope #StressSkills

    Oscars Incident Prompts #90SecondChallenge for #Hope #StressSkills

    Our First Key to Hope is identifying and managing the stress response. When we don’t proactively manage our stress response, triggers can cause us to react with violence, addiction, self-harm, and more. This was perfectly exemplified on the stage at the Oscars (if you didn’t watch it, check out this article). It was hard to…

  • Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus Launches to Improve the Lives of College Students Everywhere

    Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus Launches to Improve the Lives of College Students Everywhere

    As hopelessness rises to an all time high for college students returning to class this year, Hopeful Mindsets™ on the College Campus seeks to address this global issue by teaching the “how-to” of hope. “Hope is teachable, it’s learnable. I think we’ve learned that hope is something that people can embrace, that there are strategies…

  • International Day of Peace

    International Day of Peace

    September 21, 2021 was the International Day of Peace, an event created by the United Nations to celebrate strengthening the ideals of peace around the world. This year, iFred celebrated the International Day of Peace in Manhattan Beach with STAND 4 PEACE, an organization dedicated to raising awareness about issues related to peace, including the…

  • Hope Contagion: 13 Reasons Why It’s Time to Change Direction

    Hope Contagion: 13 Reasons Why It’s Time to Change Direction

    There are so many more reasons, but let’s start with 13. As we can argue all day about if suicide contagion is “real”, yet why not focus on Hope? Our goal is to come up with a Hope contagion, and we need your help to make it possible. The reasons why we need to change direction to…

  • Join the Global Coalition on Youth Mental Health for a Spring Webinar

    Join the Global Coalition on Youth Mental Health for a Spring Webinar

          In 2018, I had the pleasure of being a Founding Member of the Global Coalition on Youth Mental Health to address the growing prevalence of anxiety and depression in youth. In honor of Global Teen Health Week, on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 11:30 am (ET), I am participating in a 60-minute webinar to speak of the global…