Category: Addiction
Oscars Incident Prompts #90SecondChallenge for #Hope #StressSkills
Our First Key to Hope is identifying and managing the stress response. When we don’t proactively manage our stress response, triggers can cause us to react with violence, addiction, self-harm, and more. This was perfectly exemplified on the stage at the Oscars (if you didn’t watch it, check out this article). It was hard to…
Texting and Addictions Posted via email from iFred
How Our Brain is Wired for Addiction and Abuse, and Strategies for Defeating Posted via email from iFred
Text messaging, addiction, mental illness, or fun? You tell me!
Check out the new blog entry on psychcentral / let us know what you think! Posted via web from iFred
ADHD and Depression I found this article to be quite helpful on ADHD (also ADD) and depression. I actually was not diagnosed with ADD until I was in my late 30’s- how this diagnosis was missed I do not fully understand other than we simply just don’t know a lot about the brain. And quite frankly, there…