Category: Brain Nutrition

  • Gratitude for Health

    With Thanksgiving just around the corner, there will inevitably be a lot of talk about thankfulness and appreciation of life and all they have to offer. Aside from the goodness of gratitude on a personal, social, and at times economic level, rarely do we talk about the healing power of #gratitude. This Thanksgiving and each…

  • Depression and anxiety are linked to happiness and there’s plenty that can be done from a young age

    In the last blog, I talked about the World Happiness Report 2013 and began to explore the links between mental health and happiness. I want to explore this in further detail here, to examine the issues which effect happiness in an individual’s life and the implications of positive mental health on these indicators. As I…

  • Schools for Hope; New Campaign to Prevent Suicide in Youth

    Schools for Hope; New Campaign to Prevent Suicide in Youth

    Did you know 1 in 9 kids attempt suicide prior to graduating high school, and that 40% of those kids are in grade school?  (Journal of Adolescent Health via Family Matters, 2011).  And that the number one autofill on google is ‘Hope makes me…  depressed’?  We don’t know exactly why, but what we do know is…

  • Support During Suicide, Feeling Passionate Grief, and Finding Hope

    A friend of mine told me today she lost her friend’s father to suicide.  It was completely unexpected.  Why, she asks?  How did we not know?  How does this happen? Suicide is such a mystery.  Sometimes there are signs, other times there aren’t.  No matter how hard we try, we can not save another person. …

  • PMS, Moods and How to Batten Down the Hatches

    For those that say there is no such thing as depression, I invite you into my brain for my mini episodes every month during PMS (or PPMD).  Seriously.  Climb aboard my brain for just a week.  Experience my reality during a storm once a month when my hormones are out of whack, and you will understand that…

  • Have you ever felt like a non photo-shopped flower? Time to view yourself through a different lens.

    I was taking some photos of flowers this weekend, and I noticed they weren’t perfect.  Flakes of dirt, worn around the edges, some black spots, browning, all kinds of things when you really get up close.  I really didn’t care and was so glad I saw the beauty, not the flaws, and it made me think a…