If you or someone you know needs immediate help in the U.S., call the line for hope to talk to someone live in your local area. They can listen to you and direct you to local resources if further assistance is needed. If someone has talked to you about suicide, and you believe they are currently a threat to themselves or someone else but won’t take your help, call 911.
- (800)273-8255 …..1-800-273-TALK National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- (877)838-2838 …..1-877-Vet2Vet Veterans Peer Support Line
- (800)784-2432 …..1-800-SUICIDA Spanish Speaking Suicide Hotline
- (877)968-8454 …..1-877-YOUTHLINE Teen to Teen Peer Counseling Hotline
- (800)472-3457 …..1-800-GRADHLP Grad Student Hotline
- (800)773-6667 …..1-800-PPD-MOMS Post partum depression hotline
List of International Online Crisis Intervention Services
List of International Resources and Crisis Centers
Additional Online Resources for Depression and Suicide:
IASP International Association for Suicide Prevention
Inspire iFred’s Anxiety and Depression Support Community
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National Institute of Mental Health
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Children’s Mental Health Network
American Society for Clinical Psychopharmacology Find a Psychopharmacologist (doctor who specializes in medication)
If a friend or relative is suicidal visit:
Find a Therapist: Psychology Today’s therapist finder.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Policy: Crisis Centers Best Practices
* Our understanding of the Hopeline / IMAlive has been working to follow the same guidelines that the Samaritans of the UK Philosophy and Befrienders International follow which is non-intervention.
Please download a list of our guidelines here.
Depression Statistics
Good Everyday Health Overview – http://www.everydayhealth.com/health-report/major-depression/depression-statistics.aspx
NIMH depression stats – http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/prevalence/major-depression-among-adults.shtml
CDC suicide stats – http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/Suicide_DataSheet-a.pdf
“To most of those who have experienced it, the horror of depression is so overwhelming as to be quite beyond expression. . . if depression had no termination, then suicide would, indeed, be the only remedy. But. . . depression is not the soul’s annihilation; men and women who have recovered from the disease-and they are countless-bear witness to what is probably its only saving grace: it is conquerable.”
William Styron